Believe or not, Langkawi is not the only place to have the mystical Seven Wells. A small town in Sabah by the name of Kunak has a similiar one. I went there very early in the morning because all the hotel in Kunak were full due to the Regatta Lepa-Lepa Festival. Let me tell you this, sleeping in a Produa Viva was not pleasant. I was sweaty and needed a bath so my destination to Kunak's sevel weels in the early morning was very timely.
Calm and serene
The natural wells are located inside a palm oil plantation and there are no signboard leading to the place. You just have to ask whoever that's awake at that time.

The pools were positioned on a slight incline of a hill so when you get in one of the pools, you pretty much have your own infinity pool that overlooks a part jungle part plantation scenery.
Credit to my friend : Teo Yew Aun from Kota Bharu, Kelantan